为全面考核湛江发电厂二期工程 2台机组锅炉的运行性能 ,对该工程的锅炉进行了达标性能试验。对锅炉的性能及其影响因素进行了分析 ,同时指出了锅炉在运行性能方面存在的问题 ,主要是主、再热蒸汽温度偏低 ,一、二次热风温度达不到设计值 ,炉膛出口烟温偏差较大。并对存在问题的原因进行了分析。
Having performance acceptance test to inspect boilers working performance of second stage project in Zhanjiang Power Plant. This paper analyzes these boilers performances and the factors that influence their performances, reveals the problems of working performance are that main steam and reheat steam temperature are both lower than design; primary hot air and secondary hot air temperature are both lower than design; gas temperature has excursion in furnace arch. Moreover analyzes the reason.
Guangdong Electric Power