目的 调查分析发生自杀的病例分布、自杀前生活事件、自杀方式、住院费用情况 ,为防治自杀重点提供一定对策依据。方法 收集整理在吕梁地区医院 1998- 0 1- 0 1~ 2 0 0 0 - 0 1- 0 1期间收治的全部自杀病例 ,并结合随访患者或患者家属的方法。结果 自杀性别比男性∶女性 =0 3 7∶1,自杀方式以服有机磷、有机氯农药者居多 ,女性自杀前的生活事件主要是家庭矛盾 ,但男性自杀前的生活事件还有吸毒、酗酒等。结论 已婚女性青年为自杀高危人群 ,应加强宣传教育 ,严格管理农药。
Objective To investigate the distribution of population of suicidal attempt, life events previous to committing suicide, suicidal way and hospitalization fee of suicidal attempters, and provide the basis for preventing the youth suicide. Method All suicidal attemptersfromLüliangHospitalwerecollectedandfollowedup. Results Sexratioofsuicidalattempters(male/female)was0.37∶1.The suicidal behaviors by self administering organophosphorous and organochlorine pesticides were the most common suicidal ways among population of suicidal attempt. Family contradictory was the significant risk factor in all life events for all suicidal attempters, but drug and alcohol abuse were the special risk factors only to the male. Conclusion The female married youth is the high risk population of suicidal attempt.They should be educated strongly, and pesticides should be managed strictly.
Journal of Shanxi Medical University