目的 :观察普伐他汀对颈动脉斑块的影响。 方法 :经超声检查颈动脉有不同程度斑块患者 66例 ,分为 2组。普伐他汀组 3 6例 ,男性 2 8例 ,女性 8例 ,年龄68± 5岁 ,给予普伐他汀 10mg口服 ,每晚 1次 ,共 1年。非诺贝特组 3 0例 ,男性 2 6例 ,女性 4例 ,年龄 65± 5岁 ,给予非诺贝特 0 1g口服 ,每日 3次 ,共 1年。每隔 3~ 6个月进行超声复查斑块变化及血脂检查。 结果 :与同组治疗前比普伐他汀组斑块长径和宽径均缩小 ,有非常显著性差异 (P <0 0 1) ;非诺贝特组斑块长径和宽径略有变化 ,无显著性差异 (P >0 0 5 )。 结论 :普伐他汀在降脂的同时 ,并有稳定斑块和消退斑块作用。
Objective:To observe the effect of pravastatin in treating carotid plaques. Methods:Sixty six patients with different degrees of carotid plaques detected by ultrasonic were divided into two groups.The pravastatin group(n=36,M 28,F 8,mean age 68±5 years)received pravastation 10*!mg,po,qn for one year.The control group(n=30,M 26,F 4,mean age 65±5 years)received fenofibrate 0 1*!g,po,tid for one year.The changes of carotid plaques were examined in all patients at intervals of 3 to 6 months. Results:The length and width of the plaques in the pravastatin group were significantly reduced(p<0 01)campared with those before treatment.The parameters in the control group were little changed(p>0 05). Conclusion:Pravastatin has a better effect than fenofibrate on slowing atherogenesis and reducing the morbidity of cardiocerebrovascular accidents.
Chinese Circulation Journal