目的 了解鼻咽癌放疗前、后鼻窦炎的发病率 ,并探讨放疗后鼻窦炎的发生发展规律及相关因素。方法 通过观察173例鼻咽癌患者放疗前鼻咽部CT检查资料及其中 73例放疗前、后鼻咽部CT检查资料 ,结合 2 0例放疗后鼻窦炎患者的鼻内窥镜检查资料 ,对鼻窦炎的发病率及演变过程 ,进行统计学分析。结果 放疗前鼻窦炎的发病率为 43 .9% ,放疗后鼻窦炎发病率为93 .2 % ;放疗后鼻窦炎患者 94.5 %发生在 8个月内 ,其中 76.5 %发生在 4个月内 ;放疗后鼻窦炎患者 5 8.8%在 1年内有不同程度的好转 ,放疗结束后 1年半鼻窦炎的发病率为 89.0 %。结论 鼻咽癌放疗后鼻窦炎发病率极高 ,虽然部分患者在鼻窦炎发病的过程中鼻窦炎症状有不同程度的好转 ,但极少能痊愈。放疗后鼻窦炎是 1个连续而持久的过程 。
Objective To investigate the incidence of sinusitis in the patients with nasopharygeal carcinoma before and after radiotherapy,and study the orderliness in evolvement of sinusitis after radiotherapy.Methods The CT scanning of 173 patients with NPC before radiotherapy and of 73 patients,who had CT scanning regularly after radiotherapy in one and half year,was studed.the incidence of sinusitis,the clinical exhibition,the evolvement process of sinusitis was analyzed.Results The incidence of sinusitis in the patients of NPC before radiotherapy was 43.9%,after radiotherapy was 93.2%.The sinusitis was formed within 8 months in 94.5% patients,among them 76.5% were formed within 4 months.58.8% of sinusitis after radiotherapy would straighten up in different degrees in one year,but the incidence at one and half year after radiotherapy were 89.0% yet.Conclusion The incidence of sinusitis in patients with NPC after radiotherapy is very high.Although,some cases will straighten up in different degrees in the evolvement process,but only a few of them will recovery,the most appears a continuous and long process.Perisinuous obstruction may be the important reason of it.
The Practical Journal of Cancer
广西壮族自治区科技厅自然基金项目资助 (桂科自 :0 0 0 70 4 1 )