作者对全国部分高等学校系资料室的设置情况进行了调查 ,发现自 1987年国家教委颁布《普通高等学校图书馆规程》后撤销系资料室的高校并不多 ,且有的还“死”而复生。在调查的基础上 ,还对学术界所论系资料室的一些“弊端”进行了辨析 ,提出了高校资料室设置可供选择的五种形式 (类型 )
This paper reports on a study which investigates the current state of departmental libraries in Chinese universities.The study shows that since the publication of the 1987 'Regulations of University Libraries' which stipulated the closure of some of the departmental libraries,few such libraries actually closed.The authors analyzed some of the drawbacks in the current practices of departmental libraries and proposed five models for future development.
Tianjin Library Journal