目的 :建立正常儿童普通话单元音三维声学元音模型 ,为腭裂患儿三维声学元音模型的建立提供参考依据。方法 :以本研究实验 (一 ) [1 ] 所得正常儿童普通话单元音 :[a]、 [o]、 [e]、 [i]、 [u]、 [櫣]前三个共振峰频率的算术标度分别为x、y、z轴坐标 ,利用数学软件Matlab 5 3开发并建立三维立体模型。 结果 :正常儿童的普通话单元音三维声学模型直观、全面的反映了各元音的声学特征及其相互的空间位置关系。结论
To establish acoustic three dimensional model of vowel of normal Chinese children age 3~7 years old.Methods:Soft ware Matlab 5 3 was used to establish acoustic three dimensional model by demarcating axis x,y and z with F 1,F 2 and F 3 of Chinese vowel in arithmetic scale Result:The acoustic three dimensional model of normal Chinese children shows directly the acoustic features of Chinese vowels and dimensional ubieties among them in full scale Conclusion:It is easy to find the acoustic differences of speech between normal children and children with cleft palate through the acoustic three dimensional model
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine