健康人群接种乙肝疫苗后的无 (弱 )应答者为 5 %~ 10 % ,而无 (弱 )应答者仍然是乙肝病毒的易感者。影响乙肝疫苗接种后无 (弱 )应答的因素有 :年龄、肥胖、吸烟、遗传等 ;患有某些疾病者及早产儿为潜在的无 (弱 )应答者。大多数无(弱 )应答者不是对乙肝疫苗绝对无 (弱 )应答 ,复种后大部分无 (弱 )应答者可以产生保护性水平的抗体。因此 ,目前一般采用复种的方法来解决无 (弱 )应答问题 ,同时根据不同人群的特点确定相应的复种方案。无 (弱 )应答者复种后的远期效果尚不明确。
About 5%~10% of healthy individuals are non hyperesponders after being vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine.Non hyperesponders remain susceptible to infection with hepatitis B virus.Inadequate response to the vaccine can be associated with several host factors including increasing age,obesity,smoking,et al.and can be due to a genetic predisposition.Patients with certain diseases and premature infants are potential non hyporesponders.Most unresponsive subjects are not absolute nonresponders since most of them can develop protective concentrations of antibodies after hepatitis B revaccination.The method of management non hyporesponsive subjects is usually revaccination and a more appropriate strategy of revaccination should be chosen according to different subjects.The long term effects of revaccination of non hyporesponders are unknown yet.
Railway Medical Journal