目的 探讨带环近中舌侧钩在关闭下颌磨牙间隙中的临床应用。方法 对20例第一磨牙缺失的病例,采用Edgewise矫治技术,带环近中点焊舌钮或自制拉钩,适当配合II类牵引,滑动关闭磨牙间隙。结果所有病例矫治中磨牙整体移动,矫治中和矫治后未发生磨牙的近中舌向旋转和近中倾斜。结论 在关闭下颌第一磨牙间隙时,利用带环舌侧近中钧进行II类牵引,可有效的防止磨牙的近中舌向旋转和近中倾斜。
Objective The aim of this study is to investigate the clinical using of mesioligual band hook. Methods 20 patients whose first mandibular molars were extracted were involved in this study, using Edgewise appliance, welding hook in mesiolingual band, cooperating II class traction, the molar space were closed in sliding. Results The molars of all patients were moved orderly, and didn't take place mesiolingual rotation and medal tilt. Conclusion Using II class traction in mesiolingual band hook, can effectively prevent mesiolingual rotation and mesial tilt of molars.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology