目的 调查广东省废渣建材放射性水平。为建材的合理使用 ,防止人员受照提供依据。方法 按国家标准(GB6 5 6 6 -2 0 0 0 )《建筑材料放射卫生防护标准》规定采样测定。结果 广东省废渣建材 (含渣水泥、渣砖 )ECRa略高于传统建材 (含水泥、红砖 )。除少数建材外 ,其余建材的内、外照射指数基本相近 ,MRa和Mγ 均小于 1 0。结论 广东省境内的大部分渣砖、渣水泥为A类产品 ,可广泛用于住宅和公共生活用房等建筑物。超标废渣建材须经处理方可应用 。
Objective To evaluate the level of radioactivity of waste residue building materials in Guangdong. Methods To sample and determine according to Standard of Radiation Hygiene and Protection of Building Materials (GB6566-2000). Results The EC Ra of waste residue building materials (cement, brick) of Guangdong was shown to be higher than that of traditional building materials (M Ra <1 0, Mr<1 0). Conclusion Great majority waste residue (brick, cement) were classified as A product in Guangdong, qualified to be used in residence and living house widely, without any limitaion. B and C product were suggested to be used in enclosure, an arch over a gateway and road.
China Occupational Medicine