为降低孕产妇死亡率 ,1991~ 2 0 0 0年 10年来海淀区认真贯彻落实《九十年代中国儿童发展规划纲要》,结合本区实际 ,不断探索降低孕产妇死亡率的各种干预对策 ,使孕产妇死亡率从“八五”期间的 2 7.13/ 10万降至“九五”期间的 10 .86 / 10万 ,接近中等发达国家水平 ,有效地保护了孕产妇的健康与安全。虽然“九五”期间孕产死亡率明显降低 ,但间接和直接产科死因均存在 。
《utlines of Chinses Child Development Programming in 90s》 has been carried out in Haidian District from 1991 to 2000, so as to reduce the mortality rate of the pregnant and lying in women. Combining with the actual situation to study all kinds of interfering measures of reducing the mortality rate of the pregnant and lying in women. The rate was reduced from 27.13/100 000 to 10.86/100 000, on the verge of secondary developed country. The health and safe of the pregnant and lying in women were protected effectively. Although the mortality rate was reduced obviously, the indirect and direct obstetrical death causes also existed. So the pregnant and lying in women's systemic management should be strengthened, and obstetrical quality should be improved.
Maternal and Child Health Care of China