提出了以新修梯田耕作栽培技术和作物抗旱节水技术为中心的燕沟流域基本农田粮食高产综合配套技术体系 ,并在燕沟流域经过 3年试验示范 ,使粮食生产潜力实现率由原来的 2 3%~ 48% ,平均已达到 5 4 %~ 64% ,典型的抗旱节水综合试验示范地块的潜力实现率提高到 78%~ 87% ;作物平均单产和水分利用效率较原来分别提高了 63%和 5 9.1 % ,粮食单产平均较 1 997年翻了两番 ,粮食产量较 1 997年提高了 33.7%~ 62 .1 % ,人均产粮达到了 5 0 0 kg以上 。
The multi technical systems for steady and high yield of basic croplands in Yan'er watershed were discussed. After tested and demonstrated for 3 years in Yan'er watershed, the implement ratio of food yield potential changed from 23%~48% to 54%~64% in general croplands. In general, the mean yield per unit and water use efficiency increased by 63% and 59.1%. Additionally, the total yields increased by 33.7% ~62.1% over in 1997 and per person produces over 500kg food, so the effects come true for croplands decreasing and yields remaining stable.
Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
国家"九五"科技攻关专题"黄土高原中部丘陵区中尺度生态农业建设综合研究"( 96-0 4 -0 5 -1 3)支助
中国科学院创新工程项目"黄土高原水土保持与生态环境建设试验示范研究"( KZCX1 -0 6)支助