目的和方法 用速率散射比浊法 (Raten Nephelometry)对正常人、各类肝病 (AH、FVH、CPH、CAH、L C、HCC)、特别是 AFP阴性的肝癌患者的血清进行 α1-抗胰蛋白酶含量测定 ,以探讨 α1- AT与甲胎蛋白阴性原发性肝癌的临床联系及其诊断价值。结果 原发性肝癌组血清 α1- AG均值显著高于正常值 ,与其它肝病组比较有非常显著差异 (P<0 .0 0 1 ) ,若以 3 4 0 mg/L为肝癌诊断界限 ,肝癌组达 79.5 4 %(3 5 /44) ,其中 AFP阴性组达 85 % (1 7/2 0 ) ,慢性活动性肝炎占 4.3 4 % (1 /2 3 ) ,重症肝炎占 1 2 .5 % (1 /8) ,肝硬化患者占 6 .0 6 % (2 /3 3 ) ,AH、CPH则无一人超过。结论 α1- AT作为一种肝癌标记物 ,临床上与AFP结合使用可大大提高肝癌检出率 ,特别是对 AFP阴性肝癌病人的诊断 。
Objective To investigate the value of the serum in diagnosing primary Hepatocellular carcinoma with Alpha fetal protein negativity.Methods By using Raten Nephelometry method,the serum α 1 Antitrypsin were detected from some nomal persons and some patients with any kinds of liver disease(AH,FVH,CPH,LC,HCC),especially those PHC patients with AFP negativity.Results The serum levels of α 1 Antitrypsin in PHC group were much higher than those in the control groups,and had a signifficant difference comparing with the other liver disease groups.If the diagnosing limits of PHC were considered as 340 mg/L,the positive rates of PHC group were 79.5%(35/44),including the AFP negative group 85%(17/20),CAH group 4.43%(1/23),HCC group 12.5%(1/8),LC group 6.06%(2/23),and in the AH or CPH group were 0%.Conclusion The combined dectection of α 1 Antitrypsin and AFP was helpful to diagnosis of PHC especially to those PHC patients with AFP negativity.
Shaanxi Journal of Medical Laboratory Sciences
Alpha fetal protein
primary hepatocellular carcinoma