科技素质教育是素质教育的一个重要方面 .科技素质包括理解和掌握科学精神、科技价值观念、科技工作规范 ,具备科技应用能力和创造能力 ,正确运用科技思想方法 .开展科技素质教育 ,对于提高全民族科技文化素质 ,加强我国的科技竞争实力 ,具有十分重要的意义 .科技素质教育在方法上应有别于传统的科技知识教育 ,注重面向社会生活实际 ,培养思维和实践能力 ,体现综合性、时代性和开放性 .
The scientific and techndogical quality education is an important aspect of quality education. Scientific and technological quality includes understanding and grasping scientific spirit, scientific ideas of value, scientific norms, as well as ability of scientific and technological application and crention, applying correctly of scientific thought and method. Developing qualing education possesses very important significance for raising scientific and technological quality of all the people, and enchancing the competitive power of science and technology in China.
Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Natural Science)