GA3 涂棉蕾 ,引起花柄伸长 ,苞叶增大 ,花冠增大且色质变淡 ,花柱伸长而花丝无显著变化 ,使柱头外露。在 2 5~ 2 0 0 mg· kg- 1范围内 ,柱头高度和外露长度随 GA3 浓度提高而增加 ,以蕾龄为1 5 d左右处理效果最佳。花粉的形成、发芽率和雌蕊的活性均无显著影响 ,但柱头上的着粉量和花柱中的花粉管通道数明显减少 ;花、铃脱落减少 ,成铃率提高 ,但畸形铃的比例明显增加 ,且 GA3 浓度越高 。
When cotton bud was treated by 25~200 mg·kg 1 GA 3, pedicel and style grew longer, sepal and corolla was enlarged, color of corolla was lessened, while filament was not significantly changed and stigma showed out side the pistil became larger as GA 3 concentration was higher. .The best effect was got when the 15d bud was treated.GA 3 has no significant effect on the form of the pollen, germination rate and activity of the pistil, but significantly reduced the number of pollen on the stigma and number of pollen tube .Bud treated with GA 3 reduced the shedding ratio of flower and boll ,raised the rate of boll setting and the rate of abnormal bud which was increased when the GA 3 concentration was higher.
Cotton Science
农业部"九五"重点项目"江苏省优质棉基地建设科技服务"( 96 -0 3)