提出利用故障生成的电流暂态分量进行故障定位的思想。通过与方向行波测距进行比较 ,指出两者在利用行波表示的时间—距离对应信息上的一致性。与传统的电流行波测距法相比 ,该算法无需相邻健全线路的电流 ,从而具有更好的适应系统运行方式的能力 ,并节省了测距装置的模拟和数字输入通道。仿真试验表明 ,在合适的小波滤波器和小波分解算法的作用下 ,暂态测距与利用方向行波测距的精度基本相同。其在测距精度上同样不受故障类型、接地电阻、线路长度、采样率、系统运行方式的影响 ,具有良好的波头定位能力。
A new fault location scheme using the fault-generated high-frequency transient current is presented. This scheme is the same as the one using travelling wave in the aspect of fault location, although there are the different coefficients of travelling wave wavehead between them. The advantage of this scheme is that it only needs the current of the faulted line to consist of locating criterion, which makes it be applied on substation with single transmission line. Besides, it saves the analog and digital channels of the location device. It should be highlighted that this scheme is also insensitive to the bus structures and system parameters, the types of faults, the earth resistance value, the line length, sampling rate or the operation modes of power system. Simulations carried by ATP software have proved the availability and advantages of the scheme presented in this paper.
Automation of Electric Power Systems
国家自然科学基金 (5 96 770 10 )