科学计算的兴起是 2 0世纪后半叶最重要的科技进步之一。计算与理论及实验相并列 ,已经成为当今世界科学活动的第三种手段。回顾了半个世纪来我国科学计算事业的发展历程及计算数学家和其他科学计算专家的重要贡献 ,介绍了国家重点基础研究发展规划相关项目的研究内容 。
Fast advances of information technology are making scientific computing as valuable as theory and experimentation as an important tool for sientific research. New problems and supercomputers require fundamentally new methods and approaches to scientific computation. The main purpose of this paper is to review the developments of scientific and engineering computing in China inrecent 50 years. Especially,the author emphasize the great contributions made by Feng Kang and his school in these fields. The State Major Basic Research Project 'Research for Scientific Computing on Large Scales' is also briefly presented here.
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences