Fluids in mantle-derived minerals contain a certain amount of H2, which played a very important role in the evolution of the Earth and the mantle dynamic system and whose mode of occurrence in the mantle-derived min-erals is of great value in the study of mantle fluids. In this paper the H2 content released from olivine, orthopy-roxene and clinopyroxene of mantle xenoliths in Damaping, Hebei Province, has been determined by the vacu-um stepwise-heating mass spectrometry and the results indicate that the released H2 content changes syn-chronously with the total amount of volatile released from the sample with increasing temperature and that both of them show gas-released peaks at the same heating temperature intervals (300~400℃ and 700~900℃ ) In-frared absorption spectrometry suggests that after gases are released at 600℃ and 900℃, the OH absorption peak (3400 cm-1) shows no obvious reduction. The amount of H2 released from olivine increases rapidly with decreasing grain size of the crushed sample and orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene show the optimal grain size for H2 release with decreasing grain size of the crushed sample. Based on the relationships between the H2 amount released from samples and the grain size of the sample, heating temperatures, the total amount of volatiles and infrared absorption spectra, it is considered that H2 in mantle-derived minerals occurs mainly in gas-liquid inclu-sions (especially in early-stage gas-liquid inclusions with better closure) and secondarily in the form of structural hydroxyl (OH) in mantle-derived minerals.
Acta Geologica Sinica