根据我国地区经济发展差异 ,对经济发展水平和高等教育成本补偿水平进行的理论和实证研究表明 ,我国各地区间高等教育的生均教育经费与人均国内生产总值成正相关 ,学费水平与人均国内生产总值成正相关 ,学费水平与高等教育生均成本成正相关 ,学费水平与人均可支配收入成正相关。
This paper is a systematic study on the uneven economic development and regional disparity among different provinces in China, which lead to an incremental process of localization of cost recovery in Chinese higher education. Empirical analysis shows that the current tuition level is positively correlated not only to the different overall economic development level, but also to the costs of higher education, rates of return to higher education, and family capacities to pay for higher education. The implication is that under current development situation, the policy of localization of tuition is an inevitable choice and should be further institutionalized.
Journal of Higher Education