建立了双边环境博弈模型 ,分析了技术差异导致双方收益格局改变并进而影响环境合作。结果表明 ,尽管双方合作使得环境资源得以整体优化 ,但只有技术差异在一定程度内双方才愿意进行合作。技术差异较大时环境合作难以形成 ,技术先进的一方不会进行合作 。
A bilateral environmental game model is established. Change of gains structure induced by technical difference and influence on environmental cooperation is analyzed. The result shows that although environmental resource is generally optimized under cooperation, cooperation will occur if and only if the technical difference is limited. Environmental cooperation is difficult with bigger technical difference because of uncooperation from advanced side, thus the potential gains of cooperation is outside each member.
Systems Engineering Theory·Methodology·Applications