滥用职权罪客观行为的表现形式是司法实践中极具争议的一个问题。立足于滥用职权罪立法的基本特点 ,从探讨滥用职权行为的概念与特征入手 ,深入分析了滥用职权行为的基本类型 ,以及认定滥用职权行为应当注意的问题 ,从而为正确适用刑法奠定良好的基础。同时 ,我们也立足客观现实 。
The form of the objective behavior of crime of abuse of power is a disputable question in the judicial operation. After probing the concept and the nature of the behavior of abuse of power,this esssay analyses the fundamental types of behavior of abuse of power and the questions which shouid be paid attention to in affirming the behavior of abuse of power,which makes a good foundation to apply conectly criminal law.Meanwhile,this essay gives some advice on how to perfect the legislation for the objective of crime of abuse of power.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan Polytechnic University