以KY3F1 0 ∶Tm3+ 体系的光谱实验数据为基础 ,研究讨论了关于多重态间能量传递平均速率的Kushida谱交迭公式。首先 ,藉助I H ,Y T模型拟合了Tm3+ 的3H4 的发光衰减曲线 ,得到了相应的能量迁移和能量传递 (交叉弛豫3H4 + 3H6 →3F4 + 3F4 )的作用参数CDD和CDA的拟合值。通过和Kushida公式比较得到了相应的平均交迭积分的拟合值SDD和SDA。对于能量迁移的平均交迭积分SDD,研究了“求和平均”的方法和含义 ,建议在SDD的计算公式中应该考虑禁戒跃迁的贡献。提出只要在分析施主的发射谱和受主的吸收谱的振子强度时计入声子边带的贡献 ,就可将Kushida的电偶极 电偶极共振能量传递平均速率的谱交迭公式推广应用到声子协助的非共振D A能量传递中。讨论了在SDA的计算中有关声子边带的强度、宽度等问题 ,并得到了较合理的结果。
Based on the experimental data of KY 3F 10 ∶Tm 3+ reported by Diaf, Kushida spectral overlap formalism of energy transfer between J multiplets was studied. With the help of I H model and Y T model, the luminescence decay curve of 3H 4 of Tm 3+ was fitted, and the fitted values of corresponding energy transfer interaction parameter C DA and energy migration interaction parameter C DD were calculated. In addition, by compared with Kushida formalism, the average overlap integrals of S DD and S DA were obtained. For S DD . The definition of 'sum and average' was investigoxed, suggesting that the contribution of forbidden transition should be included in the calculation of S DD . Furthermore, we suggested that, if the contribution of phonon side bands was included in the analysis of oscillator strength of transition, Kushida spectral overlap formalism of ED ED resonant energy transfer rate can be extended to the application of non resonant phonon assisted D A energy transfer. The strengths and widths of phonon side bands in the calculation of S DA were discussed, and the results were reasonably good.
Journal of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (10 0 740 61)