大学生毕业就业是高等学校每年不变的工作 ,作为劳动人事制度组成部分的高校毕业生就业制度将全面实行“供需见面 ,双向选择”。大学毕业生就业将朝着规范化、法制化方向发展 ,表现为“一个主题 ,两个转变 ,三个机遇 ,四个趋势 ,五个特点”。
College students' employment is an invariable job for university enery year.As a part of persomel system,the method of college students'employment is apply the poliny of 'interview befween employer and employee and choice for both parties'.In the present situation,College Studnts' employment will develop towards regularization and lawfulness,that is,'one theme,two chomges,three oppotun.ties,four teudencies,five features'.
Journal of Gannan Teachers' College(Social Science(2))