软件能力成熟度模型被国际软件界公认为是软件工程学的一项重大成果 ,它既可以用来科学地评价软件开发单位的软件能力成熟度等级 ,也可用来帮助软件开发单位进行自检 ,从而不断完善单位的软件开发过程 ,确保软件质量 ,提高软件开发效率。本文介绍了软件能力成熟度模型的概念。
CSCMM is recognized by the international software society as an important achievement in software engineering.It can be used not only to give a scientific estimation to the software capability maturity grade of a software engineering unit,but also to help its self test ,with the result of an improved software developing process,a better software quality and an increased software developing efficiency.This paper addresses concepts,overall framework and application procedures of CSCMM.
Journal of Information Engineering University