《美国医学会杂志》推出随机对照临床试验报告格式CONSORT后 ,在实用中受到好评 ,已作为该刊物的作者、编者和审稿人提交论文发表的重要参照和依据。本文对CONSORT形成的背景、过程及其内容和要求进行介绍 ,展示了报告随机对照临床试验的完整框架 ,期望对规范我国临床试验的报告和论文发表工作有所裨益 。
JAMA published a special communication titled 'Improving the Quality of Reporting of Randomized Controlled Trials'. Actually, the CONSORT (consolidated standards of reporting trials) is a checklist for reporting randomized controlled clinical trials. Its items on the checklist are to appear as subheadings in the published articles, which will prevent the omission of important information and will aid readers in evaluating the study. Since January 1997, JAMA has required authors to submit manuscripts for publication to including all the information on the CONSORT checklist. Based on introducing the background, processes of forming CONSORT statement and reviewing the contents and requirements of CONSORT, we prepared this paper, hoping to improve the quality of reporting randomized controlled clinical trials in our country.
National Journal of Andrology