CLINAC 2 3 0 0C/D型直线加速器是美国VARIAN公司生产的C -Series系列加速器中比较高档的一款高能加速器 ,性能稳定 ,可靠性强 ,在国内受到不少用户的青睐。其电子枪驱动部分是故障率相对比较高的地方 ,出现GFIL联锁有很多原因 ,要很好地解决此问题 ,必须首先对其原理要有一个清楚的了解 。
CLINAC 2300C/D is a advanca High Energy Accelerator im the C-Series Accelerator produced by VARIAN Company,It has stable performance and strong reliability.In China many hospitals are favour of it.It′s gun driver has more trouble relatively.There are many reasons to cause the GFIL interlock,we should completely understand it′s theory first of all in order to commendably solve this problem.I have introduced the gun driver′s basic theory and anlysised special problem.
Medical Equipment