目的探讨影像学诊断肝门部胆管癌的价值及术前评估肿瘤切除的准确性。方法对71例经病理或临床证实的肝门部胆管癌病人,进行影像学检查资料总结。结果肝门部胆管癌:B超、CT、PTC、ERCP、MRCP 术前临床诊断准确率分别为:81.7,87.3,96.4,96.3,100%,实际切除与术前评估能够切除数比率分别为:40.4,36.2,78.3,71.4,93.3%。结论肝门部胆管癌在定性诊断上 MRCP、PTC 和 ERCP 虽高于 B 超及 CT,但无统计学意义(P>0.05);在评估切除准确率上MRCP、ERCP 和 PTC 明显高于 B 超和 CT(P<0.05)。
Objective To investigate the value of imaging examination in diagnosis of hilar cholangiocarcinoma and its veracity in evaluating the tumor's removability.Methods The data of ima- ging examination in 71 cases of pathologically and clinically confirmed hilar cholangiocarcinoma were analyzed.Results As for BUS,CT,PTC,ERCP and MRCP,the properative qualitative veracity of the tumor was 81.7,87.3,96.4,96.3,100%,while the actual removability veracity was 40.4, 36.2,78.3,71.4,93.3%,respectively.Conclusions MRCP,PTC and ERCP are better than BUS or CT in the qualitative diagnosis of hilar cholangiocarcinoma.However,there is no significant statis- tical difference MRCP,ERCP and PTC are much better than BUS and CT in evaluating removability of hilar cholangiocarcinoma (P<0.05).
Chinese Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery