目的了解胆囊息肉样病变(PLG)的发病情况,病理与临床间的关系。方法回顾性分析了1989~1998年期间连续246例手术切除的 PLG 临床及病理学资料。结果 246例 PLG 占同期胆囊切除术的10.9%。非肿瘤性息肉占87.4%(215/246)。肿瘤性息肉占12.6%(31/246),肿瘤性息肉倾向于大于10 mm,单发,广基,年龄大于50岁及合并有胆囊结石者。结论胆囊肿瘤性息肉样病变有恶变倾向,凡单发,直径大于10 mm,广基的病变应手术治疗。特别是年龄大于50岁及合并有胆囊结石者。应重视 PLG 的定期随访。
Objective To investigate the relationship among morbidity,pathological characteris- tics and clinical features of PLG.Methods The clinical and pathological data of 246 cases of PLG sur- gically treated in our hospital were retrospectively analyzed.Results The 246 patients accounted for 10.9% of all the patients received cholecystectomy at the same period of time.Amongst these 246 ca- ses,215 (87.4%) were of non-tumor polyp and 31 (12.6%) of tumor polyp.The size of tumor polyp was over 10 mm.Meanwhile,this type of poly was solitary,sessile and usually found in patients with an age over 50 and those with the complication of cholangiolithiasis.Conclusions PLG has the tenden- cy of malignancy.Those solitary and sessile lesions with a diameter of over 10 mm should he surgically treated.This is especially important for the patients with an age over 50 and those with the complica- tion of cholangiolithiasis.Meanwhile,regular follow-up should be emphasized.
Chinese Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery