目的 探讨挤压综合征诊断和治疗的有效方法。方法 对 6例挤压综合征患者依据病史、症状、体征及实验室检查结果进行诊断 ,并主要针对急性肾衰和局部创伤给予综合治疗。结果 3例完全治愈 ,1例基本治愈 ,1例因合并多脏器功能衰竭死亡 ,1例未坚持治疗自动离院。结论 以补液、利尿、血液透析和全身营养支持为主的综合治疗可很好地控制病情发展 ,促进转归 ;局部切开减压的依据应是保守治疗无效。
Objective To study the effective measures of the diagnosis and treatment of crush syndrome. Methods The clinical diagnosis of 6 cases were based on the histories of illness, the symptoms, the physical examinations and the laboratory findings. They were also treated for the acute renal dysfunction and the local injuries. Results 3 cases were completely recovered, 1 case was recovered partly, 1 case was dead because of the coexisting, the multiple system organ failure (MSOF), 1 case did not observe the therapeutic measures and left hospital against advice. Conclusion The comprehesive treatment including compensation of fluid, diuresis, haemodialysis and systematic alimentotherapy can limit the development of the illness and accelerate its recovery. The fasciotomy should be considered whether nonoperative treatment is invalid or early symptom of compartment syndrome has appeared in the injured extremity.
Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics