文章概括了环保产业的发展潜力和市场需求情况,研究了河北省环保产业发展的 现状和产生的问题,预测了河北省环保产业发展的态势和动力,提出了河北省发展环保产 业的政策建议。文章提出要把环保产业作为河北省新的经济增长点来加以扶持和建设,采 取强有力的措施,使之获得尽快的发展。
: The article discusses the development potentiality and market of the industry of environ ment protection, studies the actualities and problems in Hebei industry of envir onment protection, forecasts on the posture and power of Hebei industry of envir onm ent protection, and brings forward the suggestions of Hebei developing industry of environment protection. The article puts forward supporting and building th e Hebei industry of environment protection as a backboned industry , and adopti ng powerful steps to develop Hebei’s industry of environment protectio n.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics