目前车用汽油中催化裂化汽油占 80 %左右 ,针对汽油中烯烃质量分数严重超标 ,在RFCC原料中加入酸性助剂 ,用以改善催化剂活性和提高汽油的饱和度。在小型同轴催化裂化试验装置上 ,反应温度为 5 0 5~ 5 1 5℃、剂油比为 4~ 6、再生温度为 690~ 71 0℃ ,考察了酸性助剂对催化剂活性、汽油溴价、转化率、汽油收率和汽油酸值的影响。结果表明 ,加入酸性助剂后催化剂活性提高了 3~ 4个单位 ;当酸性助剂质量分数达到 0 .2 5 %~ 0 .3 5 %时 ,汽油的饱和度提高 ;汽油收率可提高 2 %~ 3 % ;酸性助剂的加入不影响汽油的酸值。
At present, there is 80 % FCC gasoline in gasoline used for automobiles. Aiming at the excess of olefin, an additive was added to RFCC feedstock to improve the activity of catalyst and raise the saturation of gasoline. A test was accomplished on a small unit to inspect the influence of acid additives on the activity of catalyst, bromine value of gasoline ,the rate of conversion, the yield of gasoline and acid value of gasoline at the conditions: reaction temperature 505~515 ℃,cat./oil =4~6,regeneration temperature 690~710 ℃,The result showed that the activity of catalyst was increased by 3~4 units, the saturation of gasoline was improved ,the yield of gasoline was improved 2 %~3 %, when w(acid additives)=0.25 %~0.35 %. Additives did not affect acid value of gasoline.
Contemporary Chemical Industry