结合高校图书馆的具体情况 ,详细论述了如何从馆藏资源数字化、文献采购电子化、建设网络数据库 3个方面来建设数字资源。提出在高校图书馆数字资源建设中 ,要注意找准定位 ,遵照统一的标准规范 ,妥善处理知识产权等几方面的问题 ,并提出因馆制宜。
This paper combines the concret situation of university libraries, ampilifies how to construct digital information resource from three aspects: digitizing library resource, purchasing electronic documents and consructing network information resource database. Furthermore, points out several problems of university libraries' digital information resource construction: to search out their own accurate position, to comply consolidated criteria and norms, and to deal with intellectual property correctly. At the same time, the writer provides such proposals as toparticipate digital library project based upon their own library conditions, to adopt and improve existing criteria and norms, fulfill copyright owners' demands by means of information technology.
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Technology(Social Science)