在数字摄影测量中 ,由于表面模型恢复的质量受到多种过程参数的控制 ,因此在分析这些参数对表面模型质量与精度影响的基础上 ,提出了如下参数选择的一般原则 :(1)应使用立体象对或核线象对来进行匹配 ,这样匹配点的数量相近 ,但结果质量却有明显的差异 ;(2 )应使用不同颜色通道来进行匹配 ,因为红绿波段效果较好 ,又以红波段效果最好 ;(3)应使用亮度或主成分分析这样的合成波段来进行匹配 ,因为这样可以增加匹配点的数量 ;(4 )在一定范围内 ,加大匹配窗口的尺寸 ,这样可以增加匹配点数 ;(5 )增大匹配窗口级别 ,这样虽可增加匹配点数 ,但也增加了局部坏区现象 ;如果利用否决因子、最大视差和步长因子 ,则可以抑制坏区的发生 .
In the close range photogrammetry , the quality of the generated digital surface model is controlled by some course parameters . This paper discuss these parameters from technique method , band choice and fusion , image correlation parameter , analysis their influence to the quality of output DEM , and present the experienced way of the choice of these parameters. Using two different technique: Block or Stereo, the number of correlation points is near, but the quality of the result is different , the result of Stereo is better. There are many bands can be used, but only one is needed in the image correlation. To the different color band , Red and Green seem to have good result, the Red band is better. The fusion band , such as intensity band or the first principle band , can increase the correlation points. At the image correlation course, the correlation template size is sensible to In some range, increasing the template size can increase the number of correlation point. The larger template range , the larger number of correlation points. But at the same time, the error area appears seriously. To resolve this problem, using rejection factor, maximum parallax and skip factor can get a better result image.
Journal of Image and Graphics
国家"九五"重点科技攻关项目 ( 96 -92 0 -0 2 -0 4)专题资助