江苏植物资源信息系统是用微软公司的VisualBasic(6 .0 )在WindowsME环境下开发完成的。首先将数据输入MsExcel2 0 0 0 ,然后输出到MsAccess 97以便调用。本数据库共收录江苏分布的植物 2 2 0 5种、3 3 4变种、2 1栽培变种和 1 5 3 4异名。系统采用ODBC(OpenDatabaseConnectivity)和Jet(JointEngineTechnology)接口连接数据库 ,SQL(StructureQueryLanguage)进行检索查询。本系统能够任意查询江苏省所有植物的中文名、拉丁名、所属科名、属名 ;并能显示植物种的形态特征、地理分布、生境、经济意义以及图片。该系统能在中文Windows 95 。
An information system of Jiangsu plants was developed using Visual Basic(6.0) under Windows ME. All data were first inputted with Ms Excel 2000, then outputted to Ms Access 97. The data recorded all 2205 species, 334 varieties, 21 cultivated varieties and 1534 synonymies in Jiangsu province, China. The system used ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) and Jet(Joint Engine Technology) to connect the Ms Access data, SQL(Structure Query Language) to search the database. Chinese name, Latin name, family name, genus name of all plants in Jiangsu could be searched using this system. And the characteristics, pictures, geographical distribution, habit, economic importance of the plants could be shown in this system. The system runs under the environment of Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows ME.
Bulletin of Botanical Research