目的 评价 AOV- FB眼科准分子激光治疗仪矫正近视的有效性、预测性和安全性。方法 选用新西兰家兔 16只 ,按眼别分成 2组 ,自身对照 ,均行 PRK手术。实验组 :右眼 ,AOV - FB准分子激光眼科治疗仪组 ,预期矫正度数 -2 .0 D。对照组 :左眼 ,L asersight- 2 0 0 0准分子激光眼科治疗仪组 ,预期矫正度数 - 2 .0 D。按手术前后屈光度的改变判断其效果 ;观察术后反应情况及并发症 ,以探讨其安全性。进行病理形态学观察 ,以比较 2组差异。结果 实验组矫正近视与对照组在手术效果、术后反应、并发症、术后病理改变均无显著差异。实验组术后 3个月在组织学上角膜结构已基本正常。结论 AOV- FB眼科准分子激光治疗仪矫正近视安全、有效 ,预测性良好 ,可进一步作临床应用研究。
Objective To evaluate the effect,predicability and safety of PRK for myopia with AOV-FB excimer laser machine made in china. Methods Sixteen rabbits were classified two groups and all were performed PRK to ablated-2.0D.The experimental group(right eyes)were treated with AOV-FB excimer laser and the controlled group(left eyes)were treated with Lasersight-2000 excimer laser machine. The change of diopters,responses,complications,and corneal histopathology after surgery were obsereved.The differences between 2 groups were studied. Results There were no differences between 2 groups in operative effects,responses,complications,and histopathologic change.The corneal construction in experimental group became normal in 3 months postoperatively. Conclusions AOV-FB laser excimer is safe,effective,and predicable to treat myopia.Further clinical research on treating myopia with AOV-FB laser excimer machine should be carried out.
Recent Advances in Ophthalmology