我国旅行社业应向规模化经营方向发展的思路得到了旅游业及学术界的广泛认同。实现规模化经营的有效途径是建立企业经济联合体 ,但选择何种模式的经济联合体能有效地促进旅行社业的发展却众说纷纭。在实践中 ,出现了战略联盟型经济联合体、区域性旅游集团、跨地区资金联合型企业集团等各种经济联合体模式。笔者认为 ,战略联盟型经济联合体生命力不强 ,对旅行社产业规模化发展的推动作用不大 ;区域性旅游集团不适合旅行社业的经营特点 ;
It has been widely accepted that the travel agencies in China should follow the idea of 'operating in scale'. The effective way to achieve the scale operation is to establish economic Association in travel agency industry. However, different suggestions exist on what pattern should be utilized.According to the author of this article, the 'Strategic Combination' Association is weak and has poor motive force for the scale development of travel agency industry; regional tour company groups do not fit the operation characteristics of this industry; while the best pattern should be the national travel agency group,which will promote the travel agencies′ scale development.
Journal of Northwest University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition