第二次世界大战后工党统治下的英国被称誉为“福利国家”,其表面的繁荣掩盖了中下层人民的贫困。年轻的一代对此产生迷惘 ,愤怒之情油然而生。因此 ,英国文坛出现了一批“愤怒的青年”的作品。《露水情》便是当时较为成功的一部。小说深刻地对当时的英国进行了社会批判。
After World War II, Great Britain under the rule of the Labor Party was praised as a nation of benefit and the superficial prosperity made invisible the poverty of the middle and lower classes. The younger generation felt frustrated and their anger was enflamed by the social hypocrisy. Works of the 'angry generation' began to appear in Britain. Among the successful ones is The Uncertain Feeling, a novel of strong criticism against the then English society.
Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)