生命是价值的本源 :没有生命 ,所有利害等价值问题便无从谈起。生命是价值的基础 :一切客体价值都是生命价值的外衍、对象化 ;主体所有高层次价值类型都是生命价值的衍生和提升。生命是价值主客体的统一。个体生命价值就是自我价值。要防止自我价值自发扩张 ,导致个人主义 ;也要防止社会价值异化。生命价值是一切生命体共有的 ,区别于低等生物、植物和动物的人 ,应追求更高的价值。
All objective value can be considered the outer development and objectivization of life value;all types of value are the outer development and enhancement of life value.Life is the unity of value subject with value object.The life value of each individual is self value.Overspreading of self value should be avoided,or it will lead to individualism.Catabolization of social value should also be avoided.Life value belongs to all creatures,man's life value should be considered more valuable than other species,so man should seek higher value.
Journal of Yan'an University (Social Sciences Edition)