Objective:To study the effect of FasL gene on human adenocarcinoma cell line and possibility of exogenous FasL gene for gene therapy of gastric cancer.Methods:An aden-oviral expression vector with full length cDNA of FasL gene was constructed(Ad-FasL)and trans-fected into SGC-7901cells.The effect of exogenous FasL gene on the growth of SGC-7901was examined in vitro and vivo.Results:Expression of FasL gene in SGC-7901cells was con-firmed by FCM and RT-PCR.That in vitro growth of the Ad-FasL transfected SGC-7901cells was completely inhibited(inhibation rate84%)as compared to mock(Ad-LacZ)transfected SGC-7901cells.Colony-forming activity in vitro of the Ad-FasL transfected SGC-7901was complete-ly inhibited.The Ad-FasL transfected cells appeared apoptotic which was confirmed by the ap-pearance of pre-G1on flow cytometry(FCM).The growth of SGC-7901xenografts in nude mice was retarded by intra-tumoral injection of Ad-FasL.Conclusion:FasL gene participates in the induction of cell apoptosis.It is promising to use it for gene therapy of cancer.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology