按《自动喷水灭火系统设计规范》(GB5 0 0 84 - 2 0 0 1)规定的基本设计参数和国产喷头类型 ,对不同危险等级合理选用喷头、确定喷头工作压力和喷头的布置间距进行了探讨。对最不利点喷头的喷水强度的影响因素进行了分析 ,指出在水箱供水的情况下 ,对喷头设计工作压力较高的系统宜设稳压装置。并对规范条文说明的增压设施示意图提出改进建议。
According to the basic design parameters stated in the stipulations of the National Design Norm of Automatic Sprinkling System (GB50084-2001) and the specifications of home made nozzles, the working pressure, layout interval and their type of the nozzles should to be chosen rationally according to the particular fire classes. The influencing factors on the spraying intensity of the nozzles in the most unfavorable locations were investigated. It is indicated that the pressure stabilizer is prefer for sprinkling system supplied by water tank and meanwhile the nozzles are working in higher water pressure. Some improvements are recommended for the schematic diagram of pressure boosting devices given by in stipulation of the national design norm.
Water & Wastewater Engineering