根据油菜常异花授粉和自交生活力衰退的生物学特点 ,在油菜杂交育种 (品种改良 )中 ,将系谱选择法和集团选择法有机结合 ,采取 F1开放授粉、分组合集团收获 ,然后在早中世代实现单株套袋自交系谱法选择 ,中晚世代实现隔离种植、开放授粉、集团选择的系谱集团选择法。既可利用异交创造天然复交 ,导入更多亲本基因型 ,提高选择效果 ;又可通过单株自交选择 ,加快世代纯化和育种进程 ;也可利用开放授粉使生活力得以恢复 。
According to the bionomics of Brassica napus, the pedigree selection and group selection were combined together in cross breeding. The method is: open pollination and group harvest in F 1, the self crossing pedigree selection in early generations, and the pedigree group selection which was realized by apart planting, open pollination and group selection in late generation. It could create natural re crossing, introduce more gene types, and raise the option effect by cross pollination, accelerate generation purification and breeding process by self crossing, and overcome the problem of self crossing degeneration by open pollination.
Guizhou Agricultural Sciences
国家"九五"攻关项目 (96 - 0 0 2 - 0 3- 0 1)
贵州省跨世纪人才专项基金资助项目 [(2 0 0 0 ) 980 4号 ]