土地荒漠化是当前全球面临的重大环境问题之一 ,它的发生、发展及其逆转是气候、环境和人类社会经济活动综合作用的结果。阜新位于辽宁西北部 ,属于农牧交错带 ,是土地荒漠化类型齐全、结构复杂的典型区域。以遥感 ( RS)、地理信息系统 ( GIS)作为荒漠化信息获取与分析的工具 ,利用 3个不同时段的遥感影象 ,对阜新地区2 0年土地荒漠化进行了动态监测。结合区域环境特点 ,对土地荒漠化的时空演变规律进行了系统研究。在此基础上 ,从恢复生态学角度提出了针对阜新地区不同类型荒漠化土地综合整治的分区利用模式和景观重构策略。
Desertification is one of the most serious environment problems in the world today, the generation, development and reversion of desertification are caused by the results of comprehensive influences from the climatic and environmental change, and human activities. Fuxin area is located in the northwest of Liaoning province. The area is a composite zone of agriculture and animal husbandry .The types and the structures of desertification in this area are different, complex and typical. RS and GIS techniques are used for monitoring the dynamic changes and data processing in desertification research . The remote sensing image data of three different temporal phases during 21 years are used . The result of analysis shows that the evolved pattern of desertification in this area has two different stages. The situation of desertification was improved during the first 11 years, but intensified during the next 10 years. According to the environmental feature and the condition of the land-use in the research area, the spatio-temporal evolution pattern of desertification was systematically analyzed. The factors that have influenced on desertification were quantitatively evaluated using a series of environmental and socio-economic data. As a result the land-use pattern and landscape restoration tactics for the different types of desertification areas had been proposed following the principles of restoration ecology.
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
国家自然科学基金项目"基于 RS与 GIS的徐淮矿区陆面演变研究"( 498710 69)