50多年前温州能实现和平解放是各种因素综合作用的结果。其中 ,全国解放战争的胜利发展和 浙南革命形势的日趋高涨起了决定性作用 ;而我党积极有效的统战工作和温州反对美蒋反动派的第二条战 线的形成与发展起了巨大的推动作用 ;叶芳等国民党领导人顺应历史潮流 ,及时站到人民一边 。
More than 50 years ago, the interaction of all kinds of factors led to the peaceful liberation in Wenzhou. Among them,the victory of Nationwide Liberation War, together with the increasingly optimistic situation of revolution in South Zhejiang province,contributed greatly to it. Moreover,the Chinese Communist Party′s effective policy of uniting all possible sections & the Second Front Against the U.S & Chiang Kai-Shek brought great incentives to it.And,many Kwomitang generals just like Ye Fang, adjusted themselves to the brand-new era and decided to be with the people,which was also indispensable to the peaceful liberation of Wenzhou.
Journal of Wenzhou Teachers College(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)