高校扩招是我国高等教育大众化的一条必由之路 ,它给我国的高等教育带来了超常规的发展。但是扩招之后 ,滞后的思想政治工作也给高等教育的发展带来了一定的负面影响 ,因此 ,认真分析扩招后高校思想政治工作的现状 ,提出有效的对策 。
Envollment expansion in colleges and universities is the only way to make the Chinese higher education popular and to develop it on a super scale.However,the backward ideological and political work gives the Chinese higher education a negatice influence.Therefore,we should analyse the present situation of the ideological and political work after envollment expansion and put forward efficient countermeasures which will be the most important part to promote the Chinese higher education.
Journal of Loudi Teachers College