周作人的“新儒学”思想 ,是在他对五四运动以来中国社会现实的体认中逐渐形成的。由于历史原因和周作人个人思想的局限 ,他“复兴千年前的旧文明”、“文化至上主义”、“儒学文化中心论”等“新儒学”理论主张 ,虽然表达了周作人改造社会现实、抵御外来文化侵略等主观愿望 ,但这种在传统知识分子文化心态和周作人“历史轮回观”等基础上建立起来的理论 ,立论依据是错误的 ,客观上也没有起到过任何积极作用 ,而它的负面影响却十分明显。他附逆期间“儒学文化中心论”主张 ,与“曲线救国论”
Zhou zuoren's 'New Confucianism'formed in his cognition of the hality of Chinese society of the May 4th Compaign.Because of history elements and Zhou Zuoren's own thought limits,although his 'rejurenation of old ciuilization hundreds of years before'?'theory of putting civilization above everything else' and 'the opinion of Confucianism is the centre of civilization' express Zhou zuoren's subjective desire of remoulding society reality and resisting foreign civilization's aggression,the foundations of the theory which are formed on the basis of traditional intellectuals' culture views and Zhou zuoren's 'opinion of history transmigration' are false.The theory has no active fanctions,but its bad influence is obvious.His 'theory of putting civilization above everything else' during his betrayal has no difference from 'circutious saving the country' in quality.
Journal of Henan Radio & TV University