该研究在控制颜色视标呈现距离、颜色视标亮度的条件下 ,以正确率为指标 ,探讨了在微光环境下 ,颜色视标呈现时间对CRT显示器颜色视标辨别的影响作用。实验中 ,颜色视标的呈现时间有 0 .5s、1s、1 .5s3个水平。实验结果表明 :在环境亮度为 0 .5cd m2 的微光环境下 ,8种颜色视标的呈现时间对被试正确辨别颜色的绩效有明显的影响 ,而且呈现时间越短 ,被试辨别颜色绩效越差。当视标呈现时间为 1 .5s时 ,被试对 8种视标的平均辨别颜色正确率达到 90
This experiment was conducted to investigate the time effects on the color-iden tification performance in the twilight conditions. The independent variable was the time color targets displayed range from 0.5s to 1.5s. Correct rate was analy s ed. The results showed that the time effect was significant. The color-identifi cation performance got worse when the time changed from 1.5s to 0.5s.
Chinese Journal of Ergonomics