安全文化的内涵及特征安全文化是一种价值观,是安全理念的总和、安全意识形态的理论概括。安全文化可以从三方面来表述 1.安全文化应是人类在社会发展过程中,在向自然界获取生活资料、生产资料活动中,为维护自身免受意外伤害而创造的各类物态产品及形成的意识形态领域成果的总和;2.安全文化是人类在生产活动中创造的安全生产、安全生活的精神、意念、行为与物态的总和;3.安全文化是安全价值观和安全行为标准的总和,是保护人的身心健康、尊重人的生命、实现人的价值的文化。安全文化至少有如下特征: 实践性。安全文化源于实践,反过来指导实践。安全文化不是凭空产生的,它来自人们在生存理念与安全理念之下对于自然与社会长期认识、适应和改造的过程。这一过程。
Mr. Chen Guang, Deputy Director of Policy, Law
and Regulation Department of State Administration of Work
Safety, thinks that safety culture is a set of values, the sum-
mation of safety concepts and the theoretical generalization
of safety ideologies. According to him points, the impact of
safety culture has gone beyond industrial culture and has
beengradually expanded into corporate safety culture, met-
ropolitan safety culture, school safety culture, community
safety culture, etc., which plays a positive role in improving
the whole nation's safety culture wareness.
Modern Occupational Safety