VPML(Visual Process Modeling Language)是企事业过程建模系统EPMS(Enterprise Process Modeling System)所采用的可视化过程建模语言,适用于过程模型建造和过程模型模拟。VPML语言功能的强弱直接影响过程建模的能力,它是过程建模、过程优化和运作的基础。因此,VPML语义的正确性与完备性是得到可靠的过程模型的基本保证。以枚举法为基础,利用PETRI网描述VPML的所有语义,从而证明VPML语义的正确性与完备性。综合VPML语言易于掌握,PETRI网描述并发执行简单易行的优点,建立了二者之间的映射关系,加快系统建模过程,提高开发产品的可靠性。
Visual Process Modeling Language (VPML) is used by Enterprise Process Modeling System (EPMS) for process modeling and simulation. The power of VPML affects the abilities of process modeling. VPML is the base for process modeling, optimizing and enacting. Thus, the validity and maturity of VPML can ensure that the process modeling is reliable. In terms of enumeration, this paper describes the semantics of VPML by using Petri nets in order to prove the semantic validity and maturity of VPML. VPML is easy to learn and the Petri net is convenient for the concurrent execution. To utilize the advantages of both VPML and Petri net, the mapping from VPML into Petri net is made in the paper. Thereby, the system modeling can be more convenient and the product can be made more reliable.
Computer Engineering and Design