《民法通则》规定的财产损失的赔偿原则是全部赔偿原则 ,即包括了直接财产损失和间接财产损失。但是 ,这一原则较为笼统 ,操作起来有一定难度 ,致使司法实践中当事人的间接财产损失难以得到司法保障。本文建议修改和完善《民法通则》,增加有关对间接财产损失保护的条款 ,明确间接财产权的保护范围 ,规定间接财产损失的统一计算办法 。
According to the present General Principles of Civil Lawof China, both the direct and indirect property losses need to be covered. Not clearly stipulated literally, this principle is hard to realize in practice. This paper proposes an indirect property loss amendment to the General Principles, which defines the coverage of the term and calculating methods of the loss.
Journal of Weinan Normal University