
上海市娱乐场所服务小姐的性行为和吸毒行为调查 被引量:45

Study on sexual and drug use behaviors of high risk among sex workers in entertainment in establishments in Shanghai
摘要 目的 了解上海市娱乐场所服务小姐的类型及她们中艾滋病相关危险行为情况。方法选择 1个区 ,绘制娱乐场所标点图 ,对招收的小姐进行深入访谈 ,收集她们的人口学、性行为、吸毒、自我防护、避孕套使用、性病史和既往求医史资料。结果 在 38个场所共访问服务小姐 6 3名 ,包括发廊 38名、酒吧桑拿 13名、K房舞厅 10名、街头 2名。平均年龄 2 5岁 (17~ 45岁 ) ,73%为外地人。 37人承认有多种性服务对象 ,有经期卖淫、群交现象。 5人吸毒 ,其中 3人静脉注射吸毒且与他人共用注射器。 10人知道其他小姐吸毒。 16人使用过避孕套 ,4人是为了防病 ,仅 2人能坚持每次使用 ,但与男友或固定性伴却不用。 2 2人承认得过至少一种性病。 2 6人有病考虑求医 ,其中 ,38%到公立医院门诊 ,2 7%自己买药吃 ,35 %到私人医生处就诊。结论 上海市娱乐场所服务小姐中存在着经性和经共用注射器感染和传播性病艾滋病的高危险行为 ,必须尽快实施针对这一人群控制性病艾滋病流行的有效措施 ,尤其要考虑在娱乐场所推广 10 0 %的使用避孕套项目。 Objective To understand the types of entertainment establishments involved in commercial sex and Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) related risk behaviors among sex workers. Methods One district in Shanghai was selected. All entertainment establishments in the district were mapped. In depth interview was carried out to collect information about demographic, sexual, drug use, measures of self protection, condom use, history with sexually transmitted disease (STD) and health care seeking behaviors. Results Sixty three sex workers were recruited from 38 places, of which, 38 from beauty parlors, 13 from pubs/ bars and sauna settings, 10 from KTV and 2 freelance. The average age was 25 (17 45) years old. 73% were not permanent residents. Thirty seven had reportedly engaged in commercial sex activities. Some reportedly had sex even during menstruation and involved in group sex. Five drug users and 3 of them reported injecting and sharing needles. Ten of them knew that other sex workers had used drugs. Sixteen (25%)reportedly using condoms but only 4 for disease prevention. Another 2 reported consistent condom use with clients but never used with boyfriends or steady partners. Twenty two (35%) reported suffering from STDs at least once. Twenty six (41%) reported seeking care when having diseases, with 38% going to public clinics, 27% to pharmacy and 35% to private clinics. Conclusion AIDS related sexual and drug injecting high risk behaviors were common among sex workers in Shanghai. Specific and effective interventions, particularly the implementation of 100% condom use program at all entertainment establishments are called with much urgency.
作者 赵鹏飞 于虹
出处 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期341-343,共3页 Chinese Journal of Epidemiology
基金 世界卫生组织西太区办事处资助项目 (WHO 963 12 )
关键词 性病 获得性免疫缺陷综合征 危险性行为 危险注射行为 Sexually transmitted disease Acquired immunologic deficiency syndrome Risk sexual behaviors Risk injecting behaviors
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  • 1赵鹏飞.上海市公立性病门诊咨询效果的研究.21世纪全国性传播疾病防治学术研讨会论文集[M].上海:第二医科大学出版社,2001.32-34. 被引量:1
  • 2赵鹏飞,21世纪全国性传播疾病防治学术研讨会论文集,2001年,32页 被引量:1
  • 3Zhao P F,Social Science Research Policy Brief,Series 1.No.3,2000年,2页 被引量:1











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