On the basis of difference incomposions and se-quce of amino acid at the cleavagesite of F oprotein of virulent and non-virulent strains of Newcastl disease viruses(NDV)three primer pairs A+B,A+C and A+D were designed according to relevant references. A fragment of 362bp was amplified by the primers a+b from the allantoic fluid containing Lasota,B1 I or virulent F48E8.A fragment of 254bp was amplified by the primers A+Conly from allantoic fluid containing virulent F48E8 while afragment of 254bp was amplified by the primers A+D from allantoic fluid of Laso-ta B1 and I.But no specfic fragment was amplifie from both normal all antoic fluid and allantoic fluid containing infectious bronchitis virus or infectious bursa disease virus or avian influenza virus with any of these three primer pairs.A frag-ment of 254bp was amplified by the primers A+C from three isolated from infectious chicken groups.The mean death time of embryos inoculated with these three isolates were51.8 53.2 and 52.8 hours respectively and the intracerebral pathogenicity indes ICPI were 1.65 1.63 and 1.60 re-spectively this proved they were virulent. NDV could be de-tected by RT-PCR in the tracheas of the artificially infected chicken next day then in the cloaca spleen and kidney.The results of indentifing the virulenceofNDVbyRT-PCRaccorded with those by convenfionally biological methods. But the former can diagnose ND directly with tissue homogenate in twenty-four hours and have senstive simple and rapid characters
Henan Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine